Grace and Peace, House of Mercy!

In last month’s article, I shared our Council’s hope about October Crew Meetings. That we would be amazed at how the Holy Spirit among us “promotes the body of Christ’s growth in building itself up in love” (Ephesians 4:16). Mission accomplished! Well, talking about the mission accomplished 😉

Thank you to all who participated in these energizing discussions. Take a look at the entryway wall for the consolidated crew reports. The CPC will weave this feedback into the ideas we shared during our September retreat.

This month we move from “Calling All Crew” to “Building Our Ship.”

November is an apt month to consider God’s generosity in our lives, to give thanks and to respond with joy. I’m asking you to prayerfully, heart-fully, gratefully consider how God is moving you to invest in Bethesda’s mission. How has God shaped and blessed you to be part of this congregational crew?

Our Sunday series will be “The Church Under God’s Commission.” Here’s a sneak preview, but I reserve the Holy Spirit’s right to change my plans!
November 5All Saints Sunday: The Stewardship of our Heritage
⚓ November 12 – The Stewardship of our Hearts
November 19 – The Stewardship of our Harvest
November 26 – Christ the King Sunday: The Stewardship of our Hope

The Sunday Adult Forum welcomes Bob Welch and Glenn Petersen on November 5. For the remaining Sundays in November we will discuss different aspects of stewardship and provide the opportunity to discuss your thoughts and questions about Bethesda’s stewardship of finances, property, ministry opportunities and whatever else might be on your mind.

We will be “Setting Sail” this Advent/Christmas season! Advent begins December 3 and our Sunday series will be, “Coming Home to Mercy.” We will give special attention to newcomers and guests during the Advent/ Christmas season. Who might God lay on your heart to reach out to this holiday season? Let’s pray about this even now!

Pastor Tom