Bethel Boutique
Help Us Distribute Clothes to Those in Need in Our Community
Our Bethel Boutique is our clothes closet that we operate for families of the Bethel-Danebo School District, through referrals from school counselors. We provide new and quality used clothing, with new shoes, socks, and underwear for all sizes (both male and female).
We’re aiming for an improved experience for our “shoppers” and volunteers. We’re hoping for more and more fashionable clothing and more and more volunteers to assist our shoppers and organize the donated apparel. A sign-up sheet is available on the “Connect” wall in the entryway if you’d like to volunteer. You’ll love the new experience we’re providing for the kids that come through! This is a great ministry!
Bethel Boutique Update and Volunteer Needs For 2023-24
We’ve moved! Check out our new space upstairs in the northwest corner space. Volunteers and our guests find it welcoming, light and easier to move in.
We need a volunteer core to continue serving the Bethel community as we have for over 30 years.
Needs include:
COORDINATOR to monitor website, forward clothing requests to front desk, schedule appointment helpers, monitor clothing stock, arrange shopping when needed.
HELPERS at clothing appointments made by parents -2 volunteers at each appointment help guide clothing selections. Usually 2 afternoons a week, between 3-6 pm, as many parents bring their children to help choose appropriate items that fit properly.
DONATION sorters and hangers – on your own time, keep items stored and hung neatly in correct size and sections of the Boutique. Stock donated items also. Flexible time commitment.
SHOPPERS on your own time, help keep items in stock. Shop Goodwill/St.Vinnies for good used items, or sales at Target, Walmart, BiMart, Big Five (athletic shoes), Old Navy, Macy’s Backstage for basic items like jeans, sweatpants, short and long sleeved shirts and underwear in sizes 4T – 3XL. We have reimbursement money in our budget if you’d like to work with our coordinator when certain items are needed. Flexible time commitment.
END of the YEAR workers – help sort lost and found items from the schools, take home a bag to wash and return to church. Summer after school ends.
A reminder-
We DO NOT NEED any socks. Bombas donates 3,000 pairs yearly to supply our needs fully. We no longer supply pajamas, dresses, “dress” shoes, or items for adults.
How to Donate Clothes
If you have been wondering how you go about donating to the clothes closet, kindly follow these three steps to make our volunteers’ jobs as easy as possible:
1 All donations must be in good condition and freshly washed. A good rule of thumb is to ask yourself “Is my donation something that a child or teen would wear to school?” The Clothes Closet serves children from kindergarten through high school. If possible, donate only “in-season” clothing due to our storage limitations.
- No torn, stained clothing or broken zippers
- No used undergarments (underwear, bras, etc.)
- No bathing suits
- We are NO longer accepting used shoes
2 Package items in small to medium sized trash bags so our volunteers can easily lift them. Close bags to avoid spilling.
3 Place donations downstairs in the bin outside of the Clothes Closet. We are located in the church’s lower-level. The church is open weekdays from 9:00am – 3:00pm and Sunday morning the doors are always open!
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 9am-1pm
4445 Royal Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402