Bethesda Preschool
Welcome to our Preschool! We are so glad you are here! At Bethesda Preschool we are passionate about sharing God’s love, our love of learning, and love for one another. We provide an opportunity for your child to become equipped with the readiness for learning in a classroom setting. We provide a positive and interactive learning experience that is age appropriate for children 3-5 years of age. Click on the links below to learn more.
Current Events!
Registration for Fall 2025 will be in person and will open on Wednesday, March 12th at 8:00 a.m. Please park in the main church parking lot.
The non-refundable registration fee of $100 is due upon enrollment in check or cash.
The following classes are available:
For children turning three before September 1st,
T/Th, 9am-12pm
MWF, 9pm-12pm
For children turning four before September 1st,
M-Th, 9am-12pm
M-F, 9am-12pm
Preschool Blessings for December
Merry Christmas everyone! Here at preschool we are so excited to
celebrate the birth of our Savior and we are having a marvelous time
making crafts, reading stories, and hearing chapels all about Jesus’
beginning in a stable.
We will be hosting our annual Christmas program for all classes on
Thursday, December 19th at 7 pm. All of you are welcome to join us! We
will have cookies in the Parish Hall afterward.
All classes will have a cake to celebrate Jesus’ birthday before we leave
for Christmas vacation. The children always enjoy singing Happy
Birthday to the Son of God!
I wish all of you peace and joy this month! And if you would like to support preschool this month, checks can be made out to Bethesda Preschool and placed in box #44.
In His Love,
Elizabeth Tigue, Director
Reminder that our Amazon wish list is a wonderful way to support the Preschool:
Contact Us
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 9am-1pm
4445 Royal Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402