Grace and Peace, Bethesda!

What a great day we shared on May 19, welcoming four teenagers to the waters of baptism and, including them, 17 new members to Bethesda! Be sure to check out their bios in this newsletter. As I write this, I’m anticipating the dedication for our updated veteran’s memorial in the west park on May 26. We have much to be thankful for!

Regarding charting a new course, June and July will involve much behind-the-scenes planning. Our goal is to approach the fall with a clear picture of how we will mobilize for God’s mission. You should expect to see some reorganized ministry teams/committees and an annual calendar for a rhythm of events that help achieve three strong congregational desires expressed in crew meetings:

  • Social Gatherings for Bethesda members & friends
  • Community Outreach events
  • Spiritual Growth opportunities

Please note that there are no strong boundaries between these three types of ministries. For example, the Women’s Advent Brunch is a social gathering, with faith-based content, and is open to friends of Bethesda. Each type of event seeks growth – growth in friendship, growth in faith, and growth in impact beyond our walls.

It’s a blessing to serve as your pastor. You’re in my prayers this summer. God grant you renewal, safe travels, and fruitfulness as you abide in Christ the True Vine!

Shalom, Pastor Tom