Thank you, Bethesda, for supporting another summer of camps and trips for all ages. This was my twentieth year taking kids on summer trips! At the ripe age of eighteen, I brought a few freshmen guys to a Young Life houseboat camp on Lake Shasta. The group included Nick Laemmer, Bryan Cobb, and Evan Farr. It’s a blessing to look back on so many strong experiences and relationships that have lasted. I’m also grateful to feel healthier than even before my appendix rupture, with energy to last another 20+ summers of youth trips, Lord willing!
I’m assuming that my own dear boys will want Pastor Dad on all their trips. I’ve heard I won’t always be the coolest person in their life! A new school year obviously brings a dramatic change to the church calendar. Since the rest of this newsletter will highlight the many ministry opportunities, here I will share a few pastoral encouragements for the Fall season.
Fall Season Sunday Worship
I came across some “Sunday worship rules of engagement” in a clergy Facebook group:
– An alone person in our gatherings is an emergency.
– Friends can wait.
– Introduce a newcomer to someone else.
Christian Growth
“Worship the Lord your God with all your mind…” Many gifts await us in classes, Bible studies, and small groups:
– The seed of faith cannot thrive in a secret garden.
– Christ is with us in the presence of friends who hold one another’s stories and pray together.
– Thoughtful perspectives can be offered without judging the questions.
Christian Care
Our Sunday adult education theme this Fall season focuses on Christian care within the congregation and wider community. See the Adult Education page for more.
-Grace comes to us that it might move through us.
-There is no stagnant water at the Pool of Bethesda
-You are the face of Jesus for someone in need; that same person is the face of Jesus for you.
~ Pastor Tom