Youth Group, Sunday School, and More! Bethesda is a Great Place to be a Kid!
From Cradle to Commencement, Bethesda Lutheran Church is a great place to be a kid! We love young people here at Bethesda! Bethesda members know that the #1 thing we do well here is love and support youth and children. Our Youth Group and additional opportunities provide a way for children and teens to grow their faith and friendships. Bethesda’s people are committed to praying for youth, including them in worship, providing leadership opportunities, and giving generously to subsidize every trip, camp, or retreat so that no kid will be turned away for lack of money.
Kids of all beliefs and religions are welcome. There is no requirement for believing or becoming Lutheran. Many kids show up not even sure about God. We are a safe and welcoming space for all kids at all times.
Middle & High School
Elementary School
Want to know more?
Westside Indoor Playground
Bethesda Preschool

Middle and High School Youth Group: Belong, Believe, Become.
Middle & High School Youth Group is held every Wednesday from 6pm-8pm with occasional fun outings and annual events or trips. Snacks and drinks are provided by the church every week. All middle and high school students are welcome! We can’t wait to see you there.
We use a teaching approach that mixes the Bible with Luther’s Small Catechism, and reinforce the “3 B’s” of youth group: Belong, Believe, Become.
- That youth group would be a community where every person feels they can belong.
- As we bring the Bible and Catechism into conversation with adolescent concerns and realities, belief and trust in Jesus deepens.
- The gift of belonging to and believing in Jesus causes us to become different people. Our attitudes, behaviors, and practices get shaped in a positive direction by Christian faith and friendship.

Elementary School Kids: Sunday School and Vacation Bible School
Currently our elementary school friends meet on Sundays at 10:45 following our Sunday worship service. We have fellowship or adult education for parents during this time. Kids of all ages are welcome in worship! We also have an amazing Vacation Bible School each summer.

Want to know more?
We welcome you to reach out to Pastor Tom during office hours at 541-688-9085. You can also fill out the contact form and someone will be in touch.
Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 9am-1pm
4445 Royal Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402