Sometimes you just gotta love God! God’s always showing up in the most unexpected of places; at times when we’re not paying attention; in people we tend to ignore. Just yesterday, I was having a pretty bad day, and there was a knock at the door.
The mail carrier hands me a box from Amazon (who doesn’t love getting a box from Amazon!), and I ask Steve what he ordered. “Nothing,” he replied. And actually neither had I, so I opened it like a kid at Christmas. And inside was a game I’d been searching high and low for, and one of my dear friends from Illinois sent me “just because.” God was in that box…because I experienced love in the kindness of a friend, and a whole lot of joy, where there had just been tears.
For the remainder of Lent, us Bethesdians and friends are on the look-out for God; we are paying attention to where God meets us, listening for where God speaks to us, longing to see where God challenges us. And then, we’re sharing it with each other. So far, I’ve been given written stories and pictures. But, you can do whatever you want–send me a song where God spoke to you; color/draw a picture of what God looks like; take a picture of a face or moment God was present and email me. Over these weeks, our facebook page will hold some of them; wall in the sanctuary will be plastered with them, and then finally on Easter Sunday, we’ll project them all on the screen. I imagine the more you look, the more you’ll see that God has been in your life all along, you just weren’t paying attention! And now…the face of God will be present wherever your heart is open. So, keep the stories, pictures, drawings, images comin’!
Pastor Sarah