For Christians, Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday is considered to be the three* most important days of the entire year. It is during those holy “three days” or in Latin, the Triduum, where we journey with Jesus from his last supper with his disciples (Maundy Thursday), through his crucifixion and death (Good Friday), through the lost and despairing time of holy Saturday that ends with the joyous sight of an empty tomb, and the raucous shout of life that “Christ is Risen! Christ is Risen, Indeed! Alleluia!”
These three days show us that our God is not a God who demands certain things of us (like worship attendance) or who wants us simply to be moral beings (by following laws and commandments), but that our God is a God who meets us in brokenness, in humiliation, in despair. Our God is a God who sees what kills us in this world and goes to that very place, so that it no longer has power over us. Our God dies, and in dying, conquers death so that we might live.
We journey with Jesus during these three days, not only so that we might be reminded of what he already did…but, so that we might see those places where Jesus continues to be. We journey these three days so that within those darkest places of our world…of our lives…we know that we are not alone. We have confidence that those moments are not the end, but that Jesus IS alive, that he IS present, and that his light will cast out all darkness. Journey this week with us…either at worship or in prayer at home…knowing that wherever you find yourselves, Jesus is there. And the tomb is empty. And death is indeed no more. And these three days make all the difference in the world.
~ Pastor Sarah
*You might be wondering how Thursday-Sunday comprises three days instead of four. Sunset on Thursday would be considered the beginning of the first day, Friday evening would mark the start of the second day, and Saturday evening would begin the third day, which ends Easter Sunday evening. Jews consider the new day to begin in darkness, at sunset, much as creation began in darkness.