I hate shopping for clothes and I don’t think I’m the only one. It’s such a hassle choosing what I think would look good only to find it doesn’t fit well. Too long, too short, too tight, too…whatever. It’s the same with shoe shopping and I hate all the time that’s been wasted to come home then with anything that fits.
Last Sunday Pastor Sarah’s prayer at the end of the service, “Bring us closer to you Lord in those ways you see fit” reminded of the many ways the Lord has brought me to Him – His Ways that fit me and speak to my own unique spirit as He does with each one of His Beloved.
In checking the dictionary I found several definitions of the word “fit”: adapt or adjust; conform to; suitable; and my favorite, “to make ready”.
God knows each one of us so well that only He can determine what’s The Best Fit for each of us and no one’s Fit is the same, just as what fits me in clothes and shoes is different from anyone else. It is for that reason we ought not to compare God’s Fit for us to someone else’s Fit.
Several years ago there was a young woman who attended Bethesda and as a new Jesus Follower her heart wanted to do all that pleased Him. I wanted to be supportive of her New Life and not do anything to quench her enthusiasm. Some of us can probably remember that initial high when we were young in our Faith.
Something about one of her behaviors though bothered me. I noticed she was worshipping with no shoes on – barefoot of all things! At the time I felt coming shoeless to church was disrespectful and certainly not proper attire for a serious Christian. I didn’t understand but never took the time to ask her about it either.
What a humbling experience it was for me when a member who knew the reason told me the young woman was so taken by Moses’ story of the burning bush and God’s command to remove his sandals because he was standing on Holy Ground, that she felt she must do the same as she entered the Sanctuary. It was for her, Holy Ground and a profound experience of God’s Blessed Fit to bring her closer to Him.
I never did talk to the young woman again and she’s no longer a part of our congregation. I would love to have a conversation with her and let her know how her story touched and changed me.
Since that experience and others like it, I have a new appreciation for those Perfect Fits that are so very different than mine. A curiosity to see what type of Blessed Fit God gives to others, and the knowledge and hopefully the heart to accept and honor with awe what God brings to another to draw them close to Him.