The most favorite part of my job is…YOU. I love talking with each one of you and hearing your stories; I love meeting for coffee (or Diet Coke) or exploring the spaces where you work. I love sitting on your sofa and looking at pictures of your loved ones. To me, relationships are what is central to being a pastor…indeed to being a follower of Jesus.
The problem is, my mom used to tell me that it was inappropriate to invite myself over to someone’s house, that I needed to wait for an invitation to know if my presence was something the other person wanted. As a result, I have a difficult time asking you if I can come visit. So, I’m turning the tables and letting you know I really want to come over/or meet somewhere/or even talk on the phone; will you be the one to invite me?
I’d love to have my days filled with my favorite thing—getting to know you, listening to where the Spirit flows through your life, hearing where you struggle and what brings you joy. This is my open invitation. I hope that you’ll respond. RSVP with a call or by text to 541-852-5637.
In Grace,
Pastor Sarah