One more Bible study? Why? Well, many of us here have done it all. We live in the land of promise and realized the American dream. We have had our businesses, farms, professions, child rearing, home making but now we are done with them. In our Golden years, we have some questions. Maybe you have heard others ask those same questions, too. What do you want me to do now, Lord? What are your plans for me? Are there old people in the Bible who have blazed new trails and left a legacy?
This Bible study is focused on new or life long Christians, who are mature in years but still young at heart with passionate devotion for the Lord. Some of us are probably retired people, empty nesters, with or without children or grandchildren. All of us have experienced God’s blessings over the years. We have had mountain top experiences when our souls have overflowed with joy and heavenly peace. We have felt the presence of God in various circumstances of our life. However, our faith had been stressed and stretched by some events in our past. We have had our share of problems, sadness, sorrow, losses, disappointments and failures. But, through it all, we have felt the reassuring arms of God enveloping us and have been sustained by the promises of God.
But we may feel discouraged at times. Is there anything left for us to do? How can God use us at this time in our lives? Will I stay healthy? Some of us may even think that we have outlived our usefulness and ask, “Am I being a burden to my family, my friends, my community?” Well you are not alone. The Psalmist had similar feelings. For example, we read in Psalm 71: 9 “Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength faileth.”
If you have ever felt like this or have heard your friends or family express such feelings, or want to know what God has in store for you at this stage of your life, then this Bible study will benefit you. We will try to find out together what God has in store for us in our golden years.
Those of us around this table are a special group of people. We have had a full life and continue to be busy. God has brought us this far and has called each of us by name. God has a definite plan for our life. When we wake up each morning, we thank God for giving us a new day. We ask, “What do you have in store for me today, Lord?” We await his instruction and wish to do His will. When the cares and concerns of the world around us soil us, we come to God and get washed, cleansed and restored. -John Prabhakar (Author of the Study)