Into your hands, almighty God, we place ourselves: our minds to know you, our hearts to love you, our wills to serve you, for we are yours. Into your hands, incarnate Savior, we place ourselves: receive us and draw us after you, that we may follow your steps; abide in us and enliven us by the power of your indwelling. Into your hands, O hovering Spirit, we place ourselves: take us and fashion us after your image; let your comfort strengthen, your grace renew, and your fire cleanse us, soul and body, in life and in death, in this world of shadows and in your changeless world of light eternal, now and forever. Amen—ELW “Prayers for Various Circumstances and Occasions”
With the end of another school year approaching, I am reminded of all of the people who have volunteered their time and money for the various ministries of our congregation. In saying, “thank you,” I’m worried that I may forget someone, but I’m still going to try!
Thank you, to all who have taught us this past year: for Sunday School teachers, Adult Education teachers, Confirmation Leaders, High School Leaders, Preschool teachers and their aides.
Thank you, to all who have served this year: for Fellowship Hosts, Communion Assistants, Altar Guild workers, Lectors, Greeters, Ushers, Welcome Committee members, Sound Technicians, the Women’s Hospitality team, Stewards, Property and Maintenance volunteers, and Front Desk Volunteers.
Thank you, to all who have served our community: for those who have served meals at Hosea House, for those who volunteered with Little Sprouts, the Bethel Boutique, Food for Lane County, and any who have served on the boards of various community organizations.
Thank you, to those who have brought us music, for the Chancel Choir, the Bell Choir, members of the Worship team, and those who offered Special Music.
Thank you, to every member of Bethesda who has lifted their voice in song, lifted their heart in prayer, strengthened their mind in study, opened their ears to God’s Word, and opened their eyes to see the needs of this hurting world.
Most of all thank you, to the person who has taken the time to read this article. Please lift up a word of thanks for others you have seen working hard for the life of our church. We, your pastors, appreciate your ministry and your work among us.
Thank you.
God’s Peace,
Pastor Steve