Bethesda Kids 2The kids are here, if you want to know them. Our database has 88 children, youth and recent graduates. 25 people have tried the new family Sunday school. Youth group is rebuilding from COVID. We had 25-30 youth between Wednesday and Thursday nights pre-COVID. Over the past year we’ve met on Wednesdays only and typically draw about half those previous numbers.  Our first summer trip in 3 years saw a group of 10 teens, while roughly 10 campers went to Lutherwood from Bethesda. Several families and neighbors inquired about the return of Vacation Bible School.

Opportunities abound to live out your desire to be a church that is a great place to be a kid:

  • Pray for children, youth and families (CYF)
  • Introduce yourself to families you don’t know, or can’t recall their names
  • Reach out to families you know whose Sunday attendance has changed through COVIDBethesda Kids 3
  • Support the return of elements from the contemporary worship service that have been lost in the move to a single service
  • Teach the upper elementary Sunday school class
  • Assist the primary Sunday school teacher
  • Volunteer with youth group / Confirmation on Wednesday evenings
  • Serve on a new organizing team for Vacation Bible School
  • Serve on an organizing team for neighborhood gatherings as they return. Next up: Trunk or Treat
  • Send notes of encouragement to parents of the congregation
  • Attend family Sunday school at any age
  • Contact me about any of these, or with your own ideasBethesda Kids 4

Pr. Welch