Choose Bethesda as Your Church Wedding Venue
Create Your Lifelong Union at Bethesda
“For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh – this is a profound mystery…” Ephesians 5:31-32a
A Christian Wedding is…
A Christian Worship service in which two Christian people praise God for His gifts of unconditional love, commit themselves to live their lives together as husband and wife as one in Christ and call upon God for his blessing upon this newly created lifelong union.
Therefore, a wedding in a Christian church presumes that both the bride and groom are either members of a church or that at least one of them is a professing member of a Christian fellowship. If neither the bride nor groom is a Christian, the Christian wedding is inappropriate. The pastor may ask the bride and groom in such circumstances if they would be willing to receive instruction in the Christian faith.
One or many of the pastors of Bethesda Lutheran Church officiate at all weddings held at Bethesda. Under special circumstances, another Lutheran pastor may be asked to officiate by the pastor at Bethesda. A pastor from another denomination may assist at the ceremony if arrangements are made with the pastor of Bethesda.
Before the Wedding…
- Pick up an application from the church office and return it with a $50 deposit at least three months in advance of the requested date of the wedding.
- Meet with the pastor initially to decide whether Bethesda is a possible church wedding venue and then several times more before the wedding for pre-marital counseling and to design the worship service.
- Meet with one of the Wedding Coordinators to discuss fees and the wedding customs and procedures that are contained in the wedding booklet. The Wedding Coordinator will arrange for the sound technician, nursery workers and the custodian. She will be available to the couple to answer questions and will assist with the wedding party at the rehearsal and at the ceremony. She will provide the couple with the phone numbers of the church pianist and organist.
- The marriage license must be obtained from the Lane County Clerk in Eugene, Oregon at least three (3) days before the wedding. The license is valid for 60 days. The church office requires the wedding license one week in advance of the wedding.
- An appointment with the church organist/pianist regarding appropriate music is also required.
You may pick up an application and wedding handbook, and learn about fees by stopping by the church office.

Contact Us
Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 9am-1pm
4445 Royal Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402