church donations

Church Donations

Thank you for your support of Bethesda Lutheran Church! Your church donations are used to grow and nurture the environment of our church programs and projects. There are various ways to donate. Select the option you prefer below.

Text to Donate

Donate to Bethesda by doing something you do everyday: texting! Simply text the amount you’d like to give to this number. First time givers will be asked to provide their payment method via a secure web page.

(541) 227-2274

Other Ways to Give

Cash and Checks

If you’d prefer to give in person, we have an Offering Plate every Sunday. You can also stop by during office hours.

Amazon Smile

Designate Bethesda as your charity to receive a percentage of purchases. You can choose this in your account settings.

Fred Meyer Rewards

You can link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to Bethesda by visiting their Community Rewards page.