bethesda preschool registration

Basic Information

All classes have two teachers and a maximum of 16 students. All classes attend recess and snack daily as well as a chapel time of 15 minutes once per week.

Your child must be three/four years old by September 1 of the current school year for Preschool registration. Students must be completely toilet trained prior to entering preschool.



For children turning 3 before September 1st we offer the following classes:

T/Th, 9-12, $150 per month
MWF, 9-12, $200 per month

For children turning 4 before September 1st we offer the following classes:

M-Th, 9-12, $220 per month
M-F, 9-12, $240 per month


About Our Preschool

Contact Us

Office Hours
Monday- Thursday 9am-1pm


4445 Royal Avenue
Eugene, OR 97402

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